Rabeea Binte Ahmed
3 min readFeb 20, 2022


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Hair Fall is one of the common problems found in men and women. Normally everyone loses up to 50–100 strands of hair every day. New hair grows and takes the place of the lost hairs, but if the hair loss is persistent and permanent, it can be a troublesome problem.

Many medical conditions can cause hair to fall. If identified correctly and effectively you can control hair loss. Survey shows that people all over the world are worried about hair loss. In 2020, approximately 12.42 million Americans used hair growth products.

In 2021, around 38.4% in South Korea experienced hair thinning. Are you also facing the problem of hair fall? If so then, follow 5 tips for managing it:


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Is your diet full of all the nutrients? Lacking the main nutrients in the diet may also lead to hair loss. Try eating a balanced and healthy diet that includes protein, iron, zinc vitamins a,b,c,d, and see the change. Subsequently, drinking plenty of water is good for skin and hair.

Regular washing:

Photo by Lindsay Cash on Unsplash

Washing your hair daily keeps the scalp clean and healthy. It reduces dandruff and the risk of infection. Around 52% of Asian men, found out dandruff was the reason behind the hair fall. Choose a shampoo according to your skin type free from chemicals like sulfate, paraben, and silicon.

These chemicals wash away the natural oil of the hair making it more weak and brittle.

Use conditioners after wash. It contains amino acids that smooth hair and helps in repairing hairs.

Heating tools and chemicals:

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Your hairs are very flexible but using heating tools and chemicals regularly can cause permanent damage to your hairs. Hairdryers, straighteners, chemicals, bleaches dehydrate your hair follicles making them weak. Bleach also removes the natural pigment from the hair. It is advised not to use chemicals on your hair, especially when you are experiencing hair fall.

Oiling and Massage:

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Massaging the scalp is similar to massaging your neck, back, or body. It relaxes your mind, eases stress and tension, and also promotes hair growth. It also improves blood circulation that makes hair strong.

Essential oil like lavender and peppermint can also be used for massaging. Massage your hair with your fingertips, and then shower after 2 hours with a mild shampoo. Make sure to do a patch test on a small area to check that you are not allergic to the type of oil used.

Hair treatments:

Hair treatment includes medications and surgery. Many medications are available to treat baldness. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the most common medicine. At Least 6 months of its use shows results.

According to a survey, about 2.87 million Americans used Rogaine in 2020. Finasteride medicine used by men has also shown good results on the growth of hair. Nonsurgical treatment PRP and surgical treatment like hair transplant also help in the treatment of hair.

Bottom line:

However, hair loss is not permanent, but it can be distressing for the individual facing it. Many things can help people stop losing hair, and can even grow new hair. Above mentioned changes in diet, lifestyle, use of OTC medications, and treatments can be helpful in the improvement of hair. Do give it a try because the sooner the treatment better the results.

